A review and comparative evaluation of multilevel boundary layer parameterizations for first‐order and turbulent kinetic energy closure schemes

Multilevel parameterizations of the atmospheric boundary layer using first-order and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) closure schemes are reviewed. Eleven schemes, chosen as representative of both first-order and TKE closure, are then used for comparison in a one-dimensional barotropic planetary boundary layer model. TKE closure schemes evaluated are the E-e schemes in which eddy viscosity Km is determined from turbulent kinetic energy and energy dissipation e and the l model schemes in which Km is determined from TKE and mixing length l. Comparison of model simulations of mean and turbulence structure for first-order closure and TKE closure schemes to observational data (MONEX79) is given. The two main conclusions drawn from this comparison are that (1) the mean structure of the boundary layer is fairly insensitive to the type of closure scheme, given that the scheme properly accounts for turbulent boundary layer mixing, and (2) TKE closure is preferable to first-order closure in predicting the overall turbulence structure of the boundary layer. Among the TKE schemes compared in this paper, the modified Detering and Etling (1985) scheme is preferred.

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