Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Syariah (Studi Kasus: BMT Bintaro)
BMT Plastica is a business entity in the form of Islamic financial services cooperative that was established on 5 Janurari 2009.BMT Plastica previously only focused on investment mudaraba is now expanding its services in the form of products wadiah products, wakalah, Ijara, murabaha. BMT had difficulty in preparing the financial statements due to a report that is different on each product services. In addition, the financial statements have not been using the BMT Plastica stadarisasi Islamic financial statements. With so BMT Plastica require sharia accounting information system (SIAS) that can record all activities performed role in financial reporting of customer data, transaction data recorded in a computerized and also help in making good the Islamic financial statements of the investment calculation mudaraba, journalizing up financial statements of the consolidated balance sheet, profit and loss. To design the wake of accounting information systems sharia done using object oriented development method with using the waterfall model of system development, to design the system using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) with five diagrams that use case diagrams, activity diagrams, statechart diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagram. Coding system using the programming language PHP and uses a MySQL database. The design of this system is expected to help the BMT Plastica in Documentation customer data also deals, helping calculations for the results, and also helps users create Islamic financial statements such as balance sheets, profit and loss statements, general ledger, journal covers, and also details the results. Keywords: Registration Information System, Web-Based System