Sled 시험과 해석을 통한 복부상해에 미치는 도어트림의 설계 연구

The sled impact test and simulation of door trim for side impact protection were conducted in order to classify the role of door trim during the full vehicle side impact. This paper describes the correlation of armrest stiffness for door trim in abdomen forces by simple sled test method to simulate Korean side impact regulation. In this sled test, the door inner panel which was deformed in the full scale test was rigidly set on the sled, and impacted the dummy. Even if the sled moved in normal rail used in HyGe sled facility, the dummy responses were correlated with full vehicle tests in order to study occupant protection practically. In the study of sled tests, the effects of door trim especially armrest stiffness were studied in terms of abdomen forces measured from EUROSID abdomen 3 force sensors. In conclusion, it was found that the sled test with deformed door was a useful and efficient method to study for occupant protection.