Study of Bacteriophages in Kinko Bay
The isolation and the purification of bacteriophages living in the coastal sea waters of Kinko Bay were studied. The characteristics of phages compared with those of host bacteria were also studied. The authors found that in order to isolate the phage from sea water, the enrichment of phages before isolation is indispensable. The characteristics of isolated phages were as follows; 1. Six bacteriophages were isolated from the sea waters of Kinko Bay. 2. Among the six host bacteria, two were halophilic and one of them was pseudomonas species, but the remaining were not classifiable according to BAIN and SHEWAN'S classification. Of six isolates four species were classified as marine bacteria. According to BAIN and SHEWAN'S classification, two of the marine bacteria were Pseudomonas and the other two were Vibrios. 3. As compared with host bacteria. All bacteriophages isolated demonstrated strong resistance to various agents; i.e., to chemicals, to hypotonic solutions such as diluted artificial sea water.