Computer-Aided Synthesis and Optimization of Induction Motor Design

A method of computer-aided design of induction motors is proposed. Synthesis of a feasible design is achieved by use of the digital computer operating in an interactive mode, the objective being to utilize both man and machine to their best advantage. Optimization of the feasible design is accomplished automatically by using a nonlinear function maximization algorithm. The method has been proved by producing a design to an exacting specification and then using the optimized design details to build an experimental motor. This machine exceeded the specified requirements in every respect; its theoretical performance was, in fact, 9.8 percent "better" than the specification, according to a "merit factor" criterion proposed by the authors in an attempt to quantify "good" design. The method is economically justifiable because better designs are produced quickly and cheaply and, once the relevant analytical subroutines have been developed, virtually any type of electrical machine may be designed in the fashion described.