Alcohol and the family

Part I: Genetics. Searles, The Contribution of Genetic Factors to the Development of Alcoholism. Cadoret, Genetics of Alcoholism. Tarter, Moss. Laird, Biological Biological Markers for Vulnerability to Alcoholism. Rowe, Behavior Genetic Models of Alcohol Abuse. Part II: Family Processes. Barnes, Impact of the Family on Adolescent Drinking Patterns. Johnson, Psychosocial Functioning in Children of Alcoholics. Bennett, Wolin, Family Culture and Alcoholism Transmission. Leonard, Marital Functioning Among Episodic and Steady Alcoholics, O'Farrell, Sexual Functioning of Male Alcoholics. Leonard, Summary: Family Processes and Alcoholism. Part III: Family-Orientated Treatment. Collins, Family Treatment of Alcohol Abuse: Behavioral and Systems Perspectives. Cronkite, Finney, Nekich, Moss, Remission Among Alcoholic Patients and Family Adaptation to Alcoholism: A Stress and Coping Perspective. McCrady, The Marital Relationship and Alcoholism Treatment. Rychtarik, Alcohol-Related Coping Skills in Spouses of Alcoholics: Assessment and Implications for Treatment.