Ambient noise levels in industrial audiometric test rooms.
In 1983 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) specified maximum permissible ambient noise levels (MPANLs) that would allow valid hearing threshold measurements in an audiometric test room. However, ambient noise sound pressure levels (SPLs) in rooms used for industrial hearing tests are unknown. The present study reports octave band (125 to 8000 Hz) ambient noise SPLs measured in 490 single-walled prefabricated audiometric test rooms located in industrial settings that were obtained from eight sources. The ambient noise SPLs were highest in the lower frequencies and decreased as frequency increased. All 490 rooms met the OSHA MPANLs. Fortunately, the ambient noise SPLs were considerably lower than the OSHA MPANLs, since previous research has demonstrated that hearing thresholds cannot be obtained down to 0-dB HL in a test room having ambient noise levels equal to the OSHA MPANLs. In fact, 33%, or 162 of the 490 test rooms, met the more stringent MPANLs recently specified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for industrial hearing testing. Given that the OSHA MPANLs are too high and that the test room ambient noise SPLs were considerably less than the OSHA MPANLs, that authors recommend that the OSHA MPANLs be revised to the more stringent ANSI 1991 MPANLs so that hearing thresholds for baseline and annual audiograms can be measured down to 0-dB HL.