niques for determining validities of test j items is the Vincent Overlapping method.1 By this method the validity value for any item is the per cent of those failing the I item who have higher criterion scores than | the median criterion score of those who pass the item. Consider, for example, a test | administered to 100 students, with 30 fail ing a particular item. If, of these 30, 6 have criterion scores higher than the median ? score of the 70 who get the item correct, the Vincent validity value for the item will be 6/30 of 100, or 20. The smaller this j measure of overlapping the greater is the I discriminating power of the item, and so the higher is its validity. Usually the critei rion score is simply the total score on the test of which the item forms a part. j The Vincent method makes rather inade
E. Lindquist,et al.
Experimental Procedures in Test Evaluation
D. F. Votaw.
Graphical determination of probable error in validation of test items.
T. Lentz,et al.
Evaluation of methods of evaluating test items.
T. G. Thurstone.
The difficulty of a test and its diagnostic value.
Carl Brigham,et al.
A study of error
P. Symonds.
Choice of items for a test on the basis of difficulty.
E. L. Clark.
A method of evaluating the units of a test.