Simulation of Transitional Boundary-Layer Development on a Highly-Loaded Turbine Cascade With Advanced RANS Modeling

This paper documents computational simulations of the flow over a modern, highly-loaded turbine vane, including boundary-layer transition. Accurate prediction of transition has traditionally been difficult for commonly available RANS-based turbulence models. The present simulations used an advanced version of a three-equation eddy viscosity model recently developed and documented by the current authors. The new model is an elliptic single-point method, developed based on considerations of the universal character of pre-transitional boundary layers that have recently been published in the open literature. Simulations were performed at an engine-realistic chord Reynolds number (2.3×105 ) and with varying freestream turbulence intensities of 0.6, 10, and 19.5%. Detailed comparisons are made within the developing boundary layer, on both the suction and pressure surfaces, between the simulations and high-fidelity experimental measurements that have been previously documented in the open literature. Comparison of both mean velocity and Reynolds stress profiles indicates that the new model shows potential for predicting boundary layer development, including development of pre-transitional fluctuations and subsequent breakdown to turbulence.Copyright © 2003 by ASME