Adaptive Traffic Routing Practice for Load Balance and Congestion Control in AdHoc Network in Cloud-MANET

Cloud services can dramatically improve the computing proficiency of mobile devices. Mobile operators can count on the cloud to carry out thorough computing operations such as research, data mining and multimedia handling. Load balancing and network congestion are the difficult ad hoc network tasks due to its un-predictable dynamic behavior and random topology alteration of such systems. The most important reason of data loss in wireless grids is flexibility, network congestion and channel errors. The majority of the accessible directing schemes deal with the energy efficiency, congestion and balancing overload load outstandingly. Proficient routing protocol is proposed in this manuscript which will adaptively control the network congestion and achieve load balancing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET). The proposed technique discovers multiple alternate paths between two nodes. The cost and stability of the link and traffic load is calculated depending on the available power of the participated nodes. If the traffic load on a specific link escalates beyond the threshold value, the traffic will be distributed to other alternate links. It is clear with the simulation outcomes that the projected approach enhances the network lifespan by integrating load balancing and congestion control with energy efficient algorithm. Thereby, it reduces the packet dropping probability and node to node delay in the network and improves the system lifetime.