Six test sections of asphalt motorway pavement structures have been subjected to accelerated load testing by the LINTRACK test facility. All applied asphalt mixes were also subjected to an extensive laboratory triaxial testing program. On the basis of the measured development of rutting during rutting performance tests, damage factors with respect to the practical rut depth for different tyre types on the pavements with different wearing course and binder course materials have been determined. From the triaxial testing program it was concluded that triaxial tests are suitable for distinguishing between mixes of better and worse rutting resistance but the scatter in the results requires that sufficient test repetitions are done. The correlations between the behavior of the test samples and their material composition were generally quite weak. As a general conclusion it was found that the ranking of the wearing course materials with respect to their permanent deformation behavior is in good agreement with the ranking of the wearing courses in the pavements with respect to their rutting behavior under accelerated load testing.