FedStats enables ordinary citizens to access and search official statistics of numerous Federal agencies without knowing in advance which agency produced them. This is done via the internet through the world wide web. This data can be retrieved by topic, responsible agency, keywords, and press release. There is also a limited capability of retrieval of data by county or state. In particular, this is done by selecting the appropriate name from a menu or clicking on the desired area on the map. A proposal is made to use the capabilities of the SAND Spatial Browser to provide more power to users of FedStats. In addition, the issues involved in interfacing FedStats data with the SAND are discussed. Using the SAND Spatial Browser, instead of just being able to retrieve data for a particular location or a region with a predefined boundary, users can define the spatial region of interest with greater specificity. They can also make use of ranking which is the ability to retrieve data in the order of distance from other instances of the data or aggregates of data that are user-defined. The result includes the ability to perform clustering such as that provided by a Voronoi diagram.
Hanan Samet,et al.
A consistent hierarchical representation for vector data
Martin J. Dürst,et al.
The design and analysis of spatial data structures. Applications of spatial data structures: computer graphics, image processing, and GIS
Walid G. Aref,et al.
Uniquely reporting spatial objects: yet another operation for comparing spatial data structures
Walid G. Aref,et al.
Hashing by proximity to process duplicates in spatial databases
CIKM '94.
John K. Ousterhout,et al.
Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
Hanan Samet,et al.
Distance browsing in spatial databases
Hanan Samet,et al.
Experience with SAND-Tcl: A Scripting Tool for Spatial Databases
J. Vis. Lang. Comput..
Leana Golubchik.
Scalable Data Collection for Internet-based Digital Government Applications
Advances in Digital Government.