Offshore Pipeline Embedment in Cohesive Soil: A Comparison Between Existing and CEL Solutions
A common issue confronted by engineers in analyzing high pressure high temperature (HPHT) pipelines for installation and operating conditions is pipe-soil interaction. For installation, a key concern is whether the soil can generate sufficient resistance to allow the pipeline to be laid on the curve. For operation, a concern is whether the pipeline structural stress can be controlled and mitigated, for the given soil condition, under conditions of thermal expansion and potential global buckling. In both scenarios, pipeline embedment is a critical parameter as it is directly related to soil resistances to the pipeline stability. Previous studies have used experimental, analytical and numerical methods to provide estimates to the pipe embedment during the laying operation. The recently developed Coupled Eulerian-Lagrange (CEL) finite element analysis (FEA) method provides a promising numerical technique in analyzing large-deformation geotechnical problems, such as pipeline embedment analysis. This paper uses this approach, together with currently available embedment solutions, to cross-validate these methods for cohesive soils.Copyright © 2011 by ASME