During 2001-02, 2002-03 and 2003-04 crop seasons performance of eleven promising candidate sugarcane varieties obtained from different Sugarcane Research Institutes of Pakistan along with local check Thatta-10 was tested in plant and ratoon crops at National Sugar Crops Research Institute, Farm Thatta. It was observed that none of the varieties in the trial could succeed the check variety in terms of cane yield and commercial cane sugar percentage. The average results of the plant crop for 2001-02 and 2002-03 crop seasons revealed that variety Thatta-10 showed superiority over rest of the varieties by giving maximum average cane yield of 116.77 t ha. The results further revealed that the check variety Thatta-10 remained high sugar content variety with average CCS 12.74%. The cane yield data for succeeding ratoon crop during 2003-04 revealed that check variety Thatta-10 maintained its superiority by producing maximum average cane yield of 110.33 t ha and CCS 12.93%.