Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue: Machine Learning for Bioinformatics-Part 1
IN recent years, rapid developments in genomics and proteomics have generated a large amount of data. Often, drawing conclusions from these data requires sophisticated computational analyses. Bioinformatics, or computational biology, is the interdisciplinary science of interpreting biological data using information technology and computer science. The importance of this new field of inquiry will grow as we continue to generate and integrate large quantities of genomic, proteomic, and other data. A particularly active area of research in bioinformatics is the application and development of machine learning techniques to biological problems.Analyzing large biological data sets requires making sense of the data by inferring structure or generalizations from the data. Examples of this type of analysis include protein structure prediction, gene classification, cancer classification based onmicroarray data, clustering of gene expression data, statistical modeling of protein-protein interaction, etc. Each of these tasks can be framed as a problem in machine learning. We therefore see a great potential to increase the interaction between machine learning and bioinformatics. This special issue is aimed at facilitating that interaction. We believe that machine learning can provide powerful tools for analyzing, predicting, and understanding data from emerging genomic and proteomic technologies. The papers submitted to this special issue provide strong evidence that this is the case. In total, more than 50 paperswere submitted to the special issue. After extensive reviews and revisions, 13 papers were accepted into the special issue,whichwill bepublished in two parts. The quality and significance of the accepted papers are very high and the papers cover a wide variety of topics. Below,weprovide a summary of the papers published in this journal issue.