Experimental and theoretical investigation of global and diffuse solar radiation in the United Arab Emirates

In the present study, the global, direct and diffuse components of solar radiation as well as temperature, relative humidity and wind speed have been continuously monitored and analysed on an hourly, daily and monthly basis. The monthly average daily total solar radiation varies from 2700 W h/m2 in December to 8000 W h/m2 in June with an average clearness index of 0.65. Experimental data are compared to the predictions of different theoretical models as functions of declination and hour angles. Correlations are obtained describing the variation of hourly, daily and monthly averages of total and diffuse solar radiation using polynomial expressions. Empirical correlations describing the dependence of the daily average diffuse to total radiation ratio on the clearness index are also obtained. Data for the daily diffuse to total radiation ratio are compared to correlations obtained by other investigators. The comparison shows a reasonable agreement with some scatter due to the seasonal dependence of the correlation. Comparison of calculations with experimental measurements under clear sky conditions show excellent agreement with a maximum error of 8%.