Orbital, precessional, and insolation quantities for the earth from -20 Myr to +10 Myr.

The solution for the precession and obliquity of the Earth, issued from the orbital solution La90 (Laskar 1990) is presented. This solution provides the necessary data for the computation of insolation at the surface of the Earth from −20 Myr to +10 Myr. When taking into account the tidal dissipation, this solution presents very good agreement with the 3Myr numerical integration of (Quinn et al. 1991). The main source of uncertainty in the computation of precession and obliquity of the Earth is found to arise from the changes of dynamical ellipticity of the Earth which can occur during an ice age. This change is especially important because of the existence of a resonant effect with a secular term of frequency s 6 − g 6 + g 5 resulting from the perturbations of Jupiter and Saturn