Principles of Experimental Psychology

PROF. PIERON is known to psychologists in Great Britain as carrying on the work of Binet at the laboratory of the Sorbonne, and as the author of numerous monographs, as well as a treatise on thought and the brain, already translated into English. In the work now translated, and added to the Library of Psychology and Philosophy, he defines psychology as “a science of behaviour, of activity, of the co-ordinated responses of organisms, considered in their totality”. He thus holds a form of behaviourism, but his position is by no means identical with that of J. B. Watson.Principles of Experimental Psychology.By Prof. Henri Piéron. Translated by Prof. J. B. Miner. (International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method.) Pp. viii + 190. (London: Kegan Paul and Co., Ltd. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1929.) 10s. 6d. net.