Why consumers adopt mobile payment? A partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach

As mobile payment m-payment is critical to the success of mobile commerce, the research incorporates the unified theory of acceptance and use technology UTAUT with trust TR, perceived financial cost PFC, and the moderating variable of experience to understand the adoption intention. A total of 319 valid questionnaires were collected and subsequently analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling PLS-SEM approach. The results demonstrated that only performance expectancy PE, effort expectancy EE, facilitating conditions FC, and trust TR are significant with the intention to adopt. In addition, experience was found to have a moderating effect on the relationship between PE and intention. As there is limited UTAUT-based research conducted on m-payment, the paper is among the few that attempts to extend the model from a multi-religion and multi-ethnic perspective. The findings will enable mobile stakeholders to understand the rationale behind the use of service leads to higher acceptance.

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