The analysis of the stability of general slip surfaces

Synopsis Within the framework of limit equilibrium methods of stability analysis, no restriction need be placed at the outset upon the shape of the possible slip surface. In many cases, the critical surface may deviate significantly from a circle or a plane and therefore a method that facilitates the analysis of surfaces of arbitrary shape is of interest. A method for doing this is presented. The assumptions necessary to make the problem statically determinate are discussed. The solution of the governing equations ensures that all equilibrium and boundary conditions are satisfied. The method has been programmed for a digital computer and some examples of its application are given. Comparisons are also made with other methods of analysis. Dans la cadre des methodes d'equilibre limite d'analyse de stabilite, il n'y a pas besoin d'imposer de restrictions au depart sur la forme de la surface de glissement eventuelle. Dans bien des cas, la surface critique peut devier d'une maniere significative d'un cercle ou...