Cardiotoxicity of Non-Cardiovascular Drugs

Preface. List of Contributors. Abbreviations. . 1. Mitochondrial Dysfunction In Cell Injury and Cardiotoxicity (Fabio Di Lisa, Martina Semenzato, Andrea Carpi, Sara Menazza, Nina Kaludercic, Roberta Menabo, Marcella Canton). 2. Cardiovascular Liabilities of Drugs: Regulatory Aspects (Claudio Arrigoni). 3. Cellular Mechanisms, Molecular Targets, and Structure-Function Relationships In Drug-Induced Arrhythmias: The Case Of Antihistamines, Psychoactive Drugs, and Antimicrobial Agents (Maria Virginia Soldovieri and Maurizio Taglialatela). 4. Cardiovascular Toxicity of Antitumor Drugs: Dimensions of the Problem in Children (Rebecca Scully, Louis Pruitt, Steven E. Lipshultz). 5. Cardiovascular Toxicity of Antitumor Drugs: Dimension of the Problem in Adult Settings (Joseph R. Carver and Chaitali J. Desai). 6. Diagnostic Aspects of Cardiovascular Toxicity of Antitumor Drugs (Michael S. Ewer, Thomas M. Suter). 7. Cardiovascular Toxicity of Antitumor Drugs: Translating Molecular Mechanisms into Clinical Facts (Pierantonio Menna, Emanuela Salvatorelli, Carlo Salsano, Luca Gianni, and Giorgio Minotti). 8. NSAID Action and the Foundations for Cardiovascular Toxicity (Anna L. Blobaum and Lawrence J. Marnett). 9. Cardiovascular toxicities of NSAIDS: Epidemiologic aspects (Antonio Gonzalez-Perez, Luis Alberto Garcia Rodriguez). 10. Cardiovascular Toxicities of Life-Saving Drugs: Antiviral Therapy (James J. Kohler & William Lewis). Index.

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