Site Application: The Archaeological Site of Pompeii (Italy)

The research carried out in the area of the Necropolis of Porta Nocera at Pompeii has led to the creation of an innovative system for the documentation, representation, and preservation of archaeological contexts. The scientific rigor and precision of traditional instrumental mapping, together with the use of NDT geophysical methods, have produced high-definition 3D models of the funerary monuments and necropolis as tools to store and manage scientific information. Conserve and preserve, also through the study and application of avant-garde technologies and methods in the field of restoration, means working not only for present generations, but also, and primarily, for future generations. New technologies and a multidisciplinary approach constitute a capital in which to invest in order to create a more responsible and aware society, capable of understanding how much of its future comes from growing up with respect for one’s historical roots and own distinctive past.