Utilização de Análise de Correspondência para Classificação da Velocidade do Vento no Nordeste Brasileiro

The objective of this study was to use multivariate statistics to the Correspondence Analysis technique (AC) to categorize the wind speed in regions of northeastern Brazil. As reference to categorize, the wind of the study areas was used the Beaufort scale. The results show that the wind speed at the level of 10 m high in the Northeast has predominance Breeze Light type (ranging between 1.6 m / s to 3.3 m / s), Breeze Poor (ranging between 3.3 m / s to 5.4 m / s) and moderate breeze (ranging between 5.4 m / s 7.9 m / s). This can result is associated with the proximity of the regions studied with the coast. Another important result of wind speed categories in the study regions is that when compared, for example, Germany (a major exploiting nations wind world generation) excellent values may be considered, since this country amounts ranging from 5 m / s to 6 m / s to a much greater height, i.e., 50 m. This work also has to shed the release even more wind power in the Northeast region of Brazil.