Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual symposium on Computational geometry

This volume collects the research papers and the short descriptions of the video presentations presented during the 25th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'09), held June 8--10, 2009, at Aarhus University, Denmark. These proceedings also contain a summary of the symposium's invited talk by Robert Lang. The symposium is presented in cooperation with ACM SIGACT and SIGGRAPH, with support from Aarhus University and the Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO). A total of 170 papers were submitted in response to the call for papers. The program committee reviewed the submissions carefully, with a distributed effort that included expert input from both the program committee and a host of external reviewers. The committee is very grateful to the external reviewers for the substantial help they provided. The program committee met electronically from January 23 to February 11 for discussions, and finally selected 44 papers for presentation at the symposium. The on-line paper submission process, the review process, and the electronic discussion and decision process were all performed using the free conference management system EasyChair. The papers presented here generally represent preliminary results of ongoing research. We expect that most of these papers will eventually appear in a more fully developed form in refereed journals. In addition, nine videos were submitted in response to the call for videos and multimedia; all nine were accepted for presentation at the symposium by the video and multimedia committee. The web proceedings showcase the revised videos at