A new cryomodule is being designed for the ongoing ATLAS efficiency and intensity upgrade. The cryomodule consists of 7 Quarter-Wave Resonators (QWR) with sG=0.075 and 4 SC solenoids to replace the existing split-ring cavities. To reduce the resonator frequency jitter due to microphonics we choose a frequency of 72.75 MHz instead of 60.625 MHz. At 72.75 MHz, the cavity is shorter by about 20 cm. The choice of the design s was based on the beam dynamics and the actual performance of ATLAS cavities. To reach a record high accelerating voltage of 2.5 MV per cavity or higher, the EM design was carefully optimized. The main goal of the optimization was to minimize the peak magnetic and electric fields while still keeping good values for the stored energy, the shunt impedance (R/Q) and the geometric factor (Rs*Q). The cavity height was also another important parameter. The optimization has lead to a final shape which is cylindrical in the bottom and conic on the top keeping a high real-estate gradient. The optimization also included the internal drift tube face angle required for beam steering correction.