Information Management System for Construction Management and Construction CALS by Standard Information Classification(I)

Construction management process based on construction CALS needs to hold information in common by a standard classification code system. Since CI/SfB can be used to civil engineering projects only with great difficulty, ISO suggested a new standard of being composed of eight facets for construction information in 1994. Subsequently NBS services in London developed the Uniclass system to substitute for CI/SfB in 1997. Uniclass is the first system in accordance with the suggestion of ISO, and the items representing civil engineering projects are well classified. Considering that CI/SfB is being used in our country and that there is much to be desired in international exchange of construction information, it is necessary to analyze adaptability of Uniclass. The present study analyzed the adaptability of Uniclass comparing with CI/SfB, and then suggested that the classification system with fourteen facets can be applicable to civil engineering projects.