A Compact Superconducting Motor with Novel Stator Windings for Vehicle Applications

The aim of this paper is to investigate how compact a superconducting motor can achieve the same performance as a conventional permanent magnet (PM) motor. A design of superconducting motor is proposed and the performance is calculated to meet the specifications of a conventional PM machine while keeping the size of the superconducting motor as compact as possible. The proposed superconducting motor uses YBCO racetrack coil on the stator and bulk superconductors on the rotor. The operating temperature is 22 K and liquid hydrogen is chosen as the agent. A numerical model is developed to calculate the performance of this motor and the results show that it is able to deliver a power at 118 kW and a torque at 622 N m with a total volume as compact as 1.5 liter. The torque and power densities of this superconducting motor are compared with those of the PM motor and the boundary performance of volume reduction that can be achieved by substituting conventional copper and permanent magnets by superconducting materials is discussed.