Developing a durable and ultra low noise poroelastic pavement
Affordable and effective traffic noise mitigation m easures are highly wanted, e.g. for the “action pla ns” which are due for the European Noise Directive in the EU MS. Low noise pavements are an interesting option as they are a “source measure” and relativel y cheap compared to other measures. The problem with the conventional low noise pavements is that the ob tained noise reduction (typical 2 to 7 dBA) is lowe r than what can be achieved with noise barriers (typical 7 up to 12 dBA). A poroelastic road surface (PERS), consisting of a significant amount of rubber and bo und with an elastic polymer, such as polyurethane, has proven to be capable of reducing the tyre/road nois e with 8 to 12 dBA. A limited durability was one of the major obstacles for its use. Since 2009 a consortiu m of twelve EU partners is working on the development of a useable type of PERS in the EU funded PERSUADE project. All relevant aspects are being considered an d for all remaining problems one tried to find a solu tion. Mixes which at least perform well in the labo ratory have been found and these are currently tested on r oad test tracks. This paper summarizes the current project status.
[1] Ulf Sandberg,et al. Tyre/road noise reduction by a poroelastic road surface , 2014 .
[2] Jerzy Ejsmont,et al. Risks related to car fire on innovative Poroelastic Road Surfaces—PERS , 2015 .