Environmental Factors in a Realistic 3D Fishing-Net Simulation

The mass-spring model has been typically employed in physical-based simulators for clothes or patches. The mass-spring model frequently utilizes equal mass and the gravity factor. The model structure of masses supports a shape applicable to fishing nets. Therefore, to create a simulation model of a fishing net, we consider the mass-spring model and adopt the tidal-current and buoyancy effects in underwater environments. These additional factors lead to a more realistic visualization of fishing-net simulations. In this paper, we propose a new mass-spring model for a fishing-net and a method to simplify the calculation equations for a real-time simulation of a fishing-net model. Our 3D mass-spring model presents a mesh-structure similar to a typical mass-spring model except that each intersection point can have different masses. The motion of each mass is calculated periodically considering additional dynamics. To reduce the calculation time, we attempt to simplify the mathematical equations that include the effect of the tidal-current and buoyancy. Through this research, we expect to achieve a real-time and realistic simulation for the fishing net.