AIR-N2O2 Decompression Computer Algorithm Development.

Abstract : A computer algorithm which can compute decompression schedules for air or a N2O2 breathing mix of any PO2 was developed and tested. Testing consisted of 837 man dives on some 38 different profiles. There were 19 air bounce dive profiles from depths of 50-190 FSW, 5 being no-decompression dives. Four bounce profiles at 100 and 150 FSW were tested breathing a constant 0.7 ATA PO2 in N2 throughout. Three profiles at 60, 100 and 150 FSW where air was breathed on the bottom and a constant 0.7 ATA PO2 in N2 mix was breathed during decompression were tested. There were 10 air repetitive dive profiles at depths of 80, 100, 120, and 150 FSW, 7 of which were for no-decompression dives. Two long duration multiple level(20-100 FSW) dives where gas switches were made between air and a constant 0.7 ATA PO2 breathing mix were also done. All dives were cold, wet, working dives and all decompression schedules were computed in real time using a HP-1000 computer which constantly monitored chamber depth. A total of 49 cases of decompression sickness resulted all of which were sucessfully treated.