Hiding of information over the internet and sharing secret information is becoming impossible owing to the continuous increase in hacking cases and also the number of hackers. Cryptography is a method that tries to help in that regard. It converts the information from one type to another i.e it encrypts the information. This paper provides an innovative way of encrypting information by making use of some trigonometric relations. A key is passed between the sender and receiver and can be done using any method, an example being the Diffie-Hellman method. The entire data is taken as characters and broken to American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) values. The key is taken and a modulus operation is performed with 360. The output say ‘x’, obtained is going to be used for the later transformations. Now the entire data which has been converted to ASCII will be broken to 8 blocks of which at least 7 will be of equal size in terms of digits. Then 2 consecutive blocks will form a pair of coordinates. We will have 4 such pairs. Each pair is then rotated using trigonometric rotation transformation using ‘x’ as the angle. Then all the pairs are merged to get a new set of values. Then ASCII to character conversion is used, but this time to convert the data to encrypted form.
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