한국한의학연구원 논문집에 사용된 통계기법의 평가

Background and Purpose : The purpose of this study was done to investigate what kinds of statistical techniques have been used to analyze data from oriental medicine research. Methods : 135 original articles which used statistical techniques in their data analysis were selected from the articles published in The Journal of Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine(JKIOM) between 1995 to 2007. Results : Among 135 articles, 59 articles used descriptive statistics while 76 articles used inferential statistics for data analysis. For that 76 articles. two-sample t-test(33 articles), analysis of variance(29 articles), regression(9 articles), chi-square test(5 articles), nonparametic test(4 articles), Fisher's exact test(3 articles), and other test(9 articles) were chosen to analyze the data. SAS and SPSS statistical softwares(82.50%) were mostly used to analyze the data. Nonparametic tests were used to 4 articles(6.97%) of 67 articles and parametic tests were used to 63 articles(93.03%) of 67 articles. Among 29 articles used analysis of variance, duncan(8 articles), dunnet(4 articles), bonferroni(4 articles), turkey(3 articles), scheff(1 article) were used to do multiple comparison. 9 articles did not carry out the multiple comparison. Conclusions : It was found that the frequencies of statistical package used and statistical analysis used were not much by now. High level statistical analyses were not used most for oriental medicine research.