Steam-Plant Operation

Comprehensive data are presented on the various types of boilers, fuel combustion, settings, combustion equipment, heating surfaces, boiler accessories, pumps, reciprocating steam engines, valve operating mechanisms, and steam turbines and auxiliaries. New material is presented on electric boilers, nuclear steam generators, rupture disks, mechanical seals on pumps, combustion controls, factory assembly of boilers, evaluating performance of boilers, influence of the sulfur content of fuels upon their use, utilization of solid wastes as fuel, relation of oxygen in flue gases to percent of excess air, fluidized bed combustions, air pollution control, boiler water-level control, boiler blowdown control and systems. Included are more package boiler illustrations to reflect both improved design and changes in code requirements, an improved combustion control description to reflect refinements in design, and added material to conform with advanced practices in feed-water conditioning and air pollution control. Emphasis is placed on maintenance and operation in steam plants.