A simple method for induction of acute thrombocytopenia.

A simple method for induction of acute thrombocytopenia in the dog, based on the adhesiveness of the blood platelets on glass beads, is described. A femoral artery is catheterized and the arterial blood is propelled by a Sigmamotor pump through a column of glass beads of 1 mm. in diameter. The blood returns to the femoral vein in a closed circuit. A sharp decrease of the platelets is already observed after the first half hour; they remain thereafter at very low levels (generally 5 per cent of the initial number) until completion of the procedure, which lasts 3 hours. Platelet depression persists for 2 or 3 days and is followed by a temporary thrombocytosis, normal levels of platelets being reached by the seventh or eighth day. Leukocytes as well as factors XII and XI decrease during the procedure, and a slight hemolysis is observed. Owing to its technical advantages, this method might be of interest in the study of experimental thrombocytopoiesis. © 1969.