Variability Of Cn2 At Poker Flat, Alaska, From Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere (MST) Doppler Radar Observations

We examine the seasonal, day-to-day, and diurnal fluctuations of Cn2 using data from the MST radar at Poker Flat, Alaska. The radar has been operated in a nearly continuous mode since early 1979, with profiles recorded every 2-4 minutes. The results for Cn2 are pre-sented at about 2 km height intervals from 4 to 20 km. It is found that the mean values of Cn2 are about 10 dB larger in summer than in winter at all levels. The diurnal range is about 3 dB in the troposphere during all seasons, and varies in the stratosphere from about 10 dB during winter to 16 dB during summer. The relationship of mean Cn2 with meteorologi-cal variables is discussed.