Recently, repetitive pulsed power generators using magnetic pulse compression (MPC) and semiconductor switches have been developed. A repetitive short-pulsed generator for an ozonizer was studied and developed. In this work, the short-pulsed generator consists of a controller, a command charger, a high-speed thyristor, a MPC and a Blumlein line. The controller and the command charger are able to control the charging voltage to the MPC and the pulse repetition rate. The high-speed thyristor, which was improved in switching speed for the pulsed power applications, generated the primary pulse. The MPC has single stage pulse compression circuit using a pulse transformer and a saturable transformer. The saturable transformer has two functions, a step-up transformer and a magnetic switch. The Blumlein line is the final stage of the short-pulsed generator. The Blumlein line is three-coaxial geometry, which has an external electrode diameter of 110 mm, a middle electrode diameter of 20 mm, an internal electrode diameter of 4 mm, and a length of 500 mm. The short-pulsed generator which has an output voltage of about 65 kV, pulse repetition rate of 150 pulses per second (pps) and a pulse duration of less than 10 ns was used to generate ozone. The results of ozone production using the short-pulsed generator and a simple coaxial electrodes are reported. The attained concentration of ozone was 18 g/m/sup 3/.
R. Hackam,et al.
Pulsed streamer discharge characteristics of ozone production in dry air
Osamu Wakabayashi,et al.
High-power KrF excimer laser with a solid state switch for microlithography
Advanced Lithography.
Hidenori Akiyama,et al.
An all-solid-state pulsed power generator using a high-speed gate-turn-off thyristor and a saturable transformer
R. Hackam,et al.
Improvement of NOX Removal Efficiency Using Short-Width Pulsed Power
William N. Partlo,et al.
Low cost of ownership KrF excimer laser using a novel pulse power and chamber configuration
Advanced Lithography.
K. Shinozaki,et al.
Characteristics of ozonizer using pulsed power
PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. Digest of Papers (Cat. No.01CH37251).
R. Hackam,et al.
Improvement of NO/sub X/ removal efficiency using short-width pulsed power
Y. Yamashita,et al.
Fe-based nanocrystalline FINEMET cores for induction accelerators