Repetitive short-pulsed generator using MPC and blumlein line

Recently, repetitive pulsed power generators using magnetic pulse compression (MPC) and semiconductor switches have been developed. A repetitive short-pulsed generator for an ozonizer was studied and developed. In this work, the short-pulsed generator consists of a controller, a command charger, a high-speed thyristor, a MPC and a Blumlein line. The controller and the command charger are able to control the charging voltage to the MPC and the pulse repetition rate. The high-speed thyristor, which was improved in switching speed for the pulsed power applications, generated the primary pulse. The MPC has single stage pulse compression circuit using a pulse transformer and a saturable transformer. The saturable transformer has two functions, a step-up transformer and a magnetic switch. The Blumlein line is the final stage of the short-pulsed generator. The Blumlein line is three-coaxial geometry, which has an external electrode diameter of 110 mm, a middle electrode diameter of 20 mm, an internal electrode diameter of 4 mm, and a length of 500 mm. The short-pulsed generator which has an output voltage of about 65 kV, pulse repetition rate of 150 pulses per second (pps) and a pulse duration of less than 10 ns was used to generate ozone. The results of ozone production using the short-pulsed generator and a simple coaxial electrodes are reported. The attained concentration of ozone was 18 g/m/sup 3/.