The recent developments in Web technologies, including full‐stack reactive application frameworks, peer‐to‐peer communication and client‐side audiovisual APIs have introduced the possibility of creative collaboration in a number of contexts. Such technologies have the potential to transform the way Internet users interact with code. This paper introduces a theoretical and technical methodology for developing collaborative coding interfaces as web applications, tackling the issues of interactive rendering, user‐platform interaction and collaboration. A number of existing interactive programming environments are reviewed, followed by a technical description and evaluation of CodeCircle, a collaborative coding web platform developed at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Frank Salim,et al.
The WebSocket API
Leif Singer,et al.
A study of innovation diffusion through link sharing on stack overflow
2013 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR).
JoAnn Kuchera-Morin,et al.
Gibber: Live coding audio in the Browser
Davide Della Casa,et al.
LiveCodeLab 2.0 and its language LiveCodeLang
FARM '14.
Boris Smus.
Web Audio API
Pawel Kozlowski,et al.
Angularjs Web Application Development