BIRS 09w5095: Interactions of Geometry and Topology in dimensions 3 and 4

This workshop focussed on interactions between symplectic geometry, gauge theory, contact topology, and applications to low-dimensional manifolds. While each of these areas has been very active for many years in an independent fashion, the theory of low-dimensional manifolds has greatly benefited from interactions with the other subjects represented at the event. Our workshop was a follow-up to the BIRS event Interactions of geometry and topology in low dimensions from March of 2007. Because the fields are progressing at a rapid pace, there were many new and interesting results presented at the workshop. Participants were selected from among the world experts in these areas. Organizers made an effort to balance interest between the different research areas and to ensure that the most important current trends were well represented. There was a good mixture of well-established researchers (Fintushel, Gordon, Kirby, Kronheimer, Livingston) and younger talented mathematicians (Grigsby, Hedden, Jabuka, Lekili, Ng). This stimulated many lively discussions and enabled a rich exchange of ideas in all directions.