Predictions for existing chemicals-a multilateral QSAR project.

Abstract Following a previous collaborative EU/EPA project focussed on QSAR predictions for a selection of new chemicals which had been notified in the EU, a similar exercise was started in 1993 on existing chemicals. In a first phase, the project addresses the High Production Volume (HPV) chemicals which are produced or imported at levels above a 1000t/year in the EU and 454t/year in the US. The relevant EU (Annex 1 of Existing Chemicals Regulation No. 793/93) and US-EPA lists contain 1036 and 2881 organic substances respectively of which HPV 749 chemicals are in common. The joint project aims at an estimation through validated QSAR models of the physical-chemical, ecotoxicity and toxicity endpoints which are included in the regulation and where experimental data will become available in IUCLID (International Unified Chemicals Information Database). Next to EC-JRC (ECB) and US-EPA, various laboratories in the EU are contributing to the project and recently, two institutes in Japan have joined in this project.