Stylized lighting for cartoon shader

In the context of non‐photorealistic imaging, such as digital cel animation, lighting is symbolic and stylized to depict the scene's mood and the geometric or physical features of the objects in the scene. Stylized light and shade should therefore be intentionally animated rather than rigorously simulated. However, it is difficult to achieve smooth animation of light and shade that are stylized with a user's intention, because such stylization cannot be achieved using just conventional 3D lighting. To address this problem, we propose a 3D stylized lighting method, focusing on several stylized effects including straight lighting, edge lighting, and detail lighting which are important features in hand‐drawn cartoon animation. Our method is an extension of the conventional cartoon shader and introduces a light coordinate system for light shape control with smooth animations of light and shade. We also extend a toon mapping process for detailed feature lighting. Having these algorithms in a real‐time cartoon shader, our prototype system allows the interactive creation of stylized lighting animations. We show several animation results obtained by our method to illustrate usefulness and effectiveness of our method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.