In recent years several papers [1; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9; 10; 11] have appeared dealing with the problem of "Factorisatio numerorum," the number f(n) of representations of an integer n as an ordered product of factors greater than 1. As a result, the basic combinatorial properties of f(n) and the asymptotic behavior of its summatory function are well known. In this paper, I determine the asymptotic behavior of f(n) itself for squarefree n and use the result to determine a "normal" order of f(n) for all n. If n is written as a product of powers of distinct primes pi, then f(n) is evidently a symmetric function of the exponents of the pi's. If n is squarefree, all the exponents are 1 and f(n) can be considered a function of the single variable r, the number of distinct prime factors of n. It is therefore convenient to define, for positive integral r:
[1] On Kalmar's Problem in “Factorisatio Numerorum.” II , 1941 .
[2] E. Hille,et al. A problem in "Factorisatio Numerorum" , 1936 .
[3] On Some Asymptotic Formulas in The Theory of The "Factorisatio Numerorum" , 1941 .