One of the JRC Petten tasks is to support European Research and Development (R&D) projects in the material and energy related areas with the management and dissemination of research results. By using XML technology test data can be entered directly from the test machines into the Web-enabled 'Materials Database' (Mat-DB), which is an integral part of the On-line Data Information Network (ODIN On-line Data Information Network, 2004) that has been developed at JRC Petten. Test data, which are kept in XML format and sent by R&D project partners via the World Wide Web to the Petten Server are stored within the Mat-DB XML module. There they can be checked and updated on-line before they are uploaded into the database. After validation by the source administrator they can immediately be retrieved and evaluated by all project partners. A pilot test with the new XML related data exchange module from test machine into Mat-DB has currently been started within the European TMF Standard R&D project.
Peter Hähner,et al.
Thermo-mechanical fatigue: the route to standardization
Peter Fankhauser,et al.
XML data integration with OWL: experiences and challenges
2004 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet. Proceedings..
Mark Fischetti,et al.
Weaving the web - the original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web by its inventor
Patrick Lehti,et al.
XML Data Integration with OWL: Experiences & Challenges 1
James A. Hendler,et al.
The Semantic Web" in Scientific American