The Loss Cone Imager (LCI) instrument is part of the US Air Force Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) satellite and is comprised of three components: the Fixed Sensor Head (FSH), the High Sensitivity Telescope (HST), and the Central Electronics Unit (CEU). The emphasis of this paper is on the FSH, which is comprised of three Si solid state detectors (SSD) each comprised of six pixels capable of measuring incident particle energies (~ 30 keV - 500 keV) and their respective pitch angles. The FSH is mounted onto the exterior of the DSX Payload Module and covers a 180° by 10° view of the sky. Each pixel has a 10° by 10° field of view. Due to a small geometric factor, the FSH is able to operate in the high particle flux areas of the Earth's magnetosphere. The Readout Electronics for Nuclear Application 3 (RENA3) chip, developed by NOVA R&D, contains 36 analog channels used for detection of nuclear events. Each of the 18 Si pixels is connected to a corresponding RENA3 channel for event detection and analog energy readout. The output of the chip is digitized and the digital value of each event, along with its corresponding RENA channel, is recorded by the Data Processing Unit housed in the CEU.
U. Inan,et al.
Energy spectra and pitch angle distributions of lightning-induced electron Precipitation: Analysis of an event observed on the S81-1(SEEP) satellite
Allyn E. Hubbard,et al.
Loss cone imager digital system design
Optical Engineering + Applications.
J. Winter,et al.
The AFRL demonstration and science experiments (DSX) for DoD space capability in the MEO
2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference.
A. Volkovskii,et al.
Multi-Channel Front-End Readout IC for Position Sensitive Solid-State Detectors
2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record.
James D. Sullivan,et al.
A high sensitivity telescope for measurements of energetic particles in the Earth's radiation belts
Optical Engineering + Applications.
James D. Sullivan,et al.
Design of the mechanical housing for the LCI energetic particle instrumentation package in a medium Earth orbit
Optical Engineering + Applications.