An empirical investigation on adaptive hypermedia tutorial system

Web-based adaptive hypermedia systems are becoming increasingly popular as educational tools. Traditional hypermedia applications do not satisfy the requirements of modern hypermedia education since it's static. The system has not enough ability to control the learning direction and process. Nowadays it is required that a hypermedia system has the ability to perform personalization through adaptive navigation support and adaptive content. This paper focuses on discussing the model design of adaptive hypermedia tutorial system, specifically the architectures of adaptive tutorial system, user model and the judgement of cognition. In this paper, we design and implement a personalized adaptive hypermedia tutorial system. This Web-based system is able to track user information regarding performance with online problem solving, and adapt the content served to the user. The whole system bases on and keeps the same interface style with AHA!, which is an open source project for adaptive hypermedia architecture. This adaptive tutorial system is implemented by using typical MVC architecture with HTML, Java servlet and database system.