Simultaneous determination of iridoids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, and saponins in Flos Lonicerae and Flos Lonicerae Japonicae by HPLC-DAD-ELSD coupled with principal component analysis.

A method, HPLC coupled with diode-array and evaporative light scattering detectors (HPLC-DAD-ELSD), was newly developed to evaluate the quality of Flos Lonicerae (FL) and Flos Lonicerae Japonicae (FLJ), through a simultaneous determination of multiple types of bioactive components. By employing DAD, the detection wavelengths were set at 240 nm for the determination of iridoids, 330 nm for phenolic acids, and 360 nm for flavonoids, respectively. While ELSD, connected in series after DAD, was applied to the determination of saponins. This assay was fully validated with respect to precision, repeatability, and accuracy. Moreover, principal component analysis (PCA) was used for the similarity evaluation of different samples, and it was proven straightforward and reliable to differentiate FL and FLJ samples from different origins. For PCA, two principal components have been extracted. Principal component 1 (PC1) influences the separation between different sample sets, capturing 54.598% variance, while principal component 2 (PC2) affects differentiation within sample sets, capturing 12.579% variance. In conclusion, simultaneous quantification of bioactive components by HPLC-DAD-ELSD coupled with PCA would be a well-acceptable strategy to differentiate the sources and to comprehensively control the quality of the medicinal plants FL and FLJ.