Workplace Learning : Main Themes & Perspectives

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[1]  Victoria J. Marsick,et al.  Informal and incidental learning in the workplace , 1834 .

[2]  G. Bateson Steps to an Ecology of Mind , 1972 .

[3]  R. D'amico Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison , 1978, Telos.

[4]  Donald A. Schön,et al.  Organizational Learning: A Theory Of Action Perspective , 1978 .

[5]  A. Kellerman,et al.  The Constitution of Society : Outline of the Theory of Structuration , 2015 .

[6]  M. Foucault,et al.  The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction , 1990 .

[7]  Etienne Wenger,et al.  Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation , 1991 .

[8]  Gustavo Stubrich The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization , 1993 .

[9]  F. Blackler Knowledge, Knowledge Work and Organizations: An Overview and Interpretation , 1995 .

[10]  T. Watson,et al.  Sociology, Work and Industry: Fifth edition , 1996 .

[11]  M. Archer,et al.  Realist Social Theory: The Morphogenetic Approach , 1997 .

[12]  Terri Gullickson,et al.  Consumption and Identity at Work. , 1997 .

[13]  P. Candy,et al.  Fusing Learning and Work: Changing Conceptions of Workplace Learning , 1998 .

[14]  A. Sfard On Two Metaphors for Learning and the Dangers of Choosing Just One , 1998 .

[15]  Etienne Wenger,et al.  Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity , 1998 .

[16]  D. Boud Current Issues and New Agendas in Workplace Learning. , 1998 .

[17]  Richard Edwards,et al.  Flexibility, reflexivity and reflection in the contemporary workplace , 1998 .

[18]  Alan Felstead,et al.  Global trends in flexible labour , 1999 .

[19]  P. Hager Finding a good theory of workplace learning , 1999 .

[20]  A. Felstead,et al.  In Work, At Home: Towards an Understanding of Homeworking , 1999 .

[21]  Nicky Solomon,et al.  Experiential Learning and the Shaping of Subjectivity in the Workplace. , 1999 .

[22]  M. Eraut Non-formal learning and tacit knowledge in professional work. , 2000, The British journal of educational psychology.

[23]  S. Billett Guided learning at work , 2000, Learning in the workplace.

[24]  P Hiselius,et al.  The New Generation , 2021, The Women's Liberation Movement in Russia.

[25]  S. Billett Learning through work: workplace affordances and individual engagement , 2001 .

[26]  Karen E. Watkins,et al.  Informal and Incidental Learning , 2001 .

[27]  T. Fenwick Tides of change: New themes and questions in workplace learning , 2001 .

[28]  B. Spencer Changing Questions of Workplace Learning Researchers. , 2001 .

[29]  Michael Young Contextualising a New Approach to Learning: Some comments on Yrjö Engeström's theory of expansive learning , 2001 .

[30]  L. Bierema Women, Work, and Learning. , 2001 .

[31]  M. Eraut Learning Challenges for Knowledge-based Organizations , 2001 .

[32]  Y. Engeström,et al.  Expansive Learning at Work: Toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization , 2001 .

[33]  Paul Hager,et al.  Life, Work and Learning: Practice in Postmodernity. Routledge International Studies in Philosophy of Education; No. 14. , 2002 .

[34]  Helen Colley,et al.  Non-formal learning: mapping the conceptual terrain, a consultation report , 2002 .

[35]  S. Billett Critiquing workplace learning discourses: Participation and continuity at work , 2002 .

[36]  Alison Fuller,et al.  Developing pedagogies for the contemporary workplace , 2002 .

[37]  Martin Quinn,et al.  The impact of informal learning at work on business productivity , 2004 .

[38]  L. Unwin,et al.  Learning as Apprentices in the Contemporary UK Workplace: creating and managing expansive and restrictive participation , 2003 .

[39]  Victoria Hoban,et al.  The Reflective Practitioner , 2013 .

[40]  Alison Fuller,et al.  High performance management: a literature review , 2004 .

[41]  Alison Fuller,et al.  Expansive learning environments: integrating organisational and personal development , 2004 .

[42]  M. Eraut,et al.  Informal learning in the workplace , 2004 .

[43]  David Ashton,et al.  Supporting Workplace Learning for High Performance Working , 2004 .

[44]  Alison Fuller,et al.  Workplace learning in context , 2004 .

[45]  Y. Engeström,et al.  The new generation of expertise : Seven theses , 2004 .

[46]  P. Hodkinson,et al.  The significance of individual biography in workplace learning , 2004 .

[47]  D. Ashton The Impact Of Organisational Structure and Practices On Learning in The Workplace , 2004 .

[48]  L. Unwin,et al.  High Performance Management: A Literature Review: Learning as Work Research Paper, No. 1 June 2004 , 2004 .

[49]  P. Hager The conceptualization and measurement of learning at work , 2004 .

[50]  P. Hager Current Theories of Workplace Learning: A Critical Assessment , 2005 .

[51]  P. Hodkinson,et al.  Learning as peripheral participation in communities of practice: a reassessment of key concepts in workplace learning , 2005 .

[52]  Alison Fuller,et al.  Older and wiser?: workplace learning from the perspective of experienced employees , 2005 .

[53]  Vanessa May,et al.  What is Narrative Analysis , 2010 .

[54]  Jennifer Werfel Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison , 2020, On Violence.

[55]  Sophia Decker,et al.  Supporting Workplace Learning For High Performance Working , 2016 .

[56]  P. Hodkinson,et al.  Working To Learn: Transforming Learning in the Workplace. , 2016 .