Ja n 20 02 Application of the τ-function theory of Painlevé equations to random matrices :
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[10] K. M. Tamizhmani,et al. On a transcendental equation related to Painlevé III, and its discrete forms , 2000 .
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[22] Humihiko Watanabe. Defining variety and birational canonical transformations of the fifth Painleve equation , 1998 .
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[38] τ-function evaluation of gap probabilities in orthogonal and symplectic matrix ensembles , 2002, math-ph/0203049.
[39] P. Forrester,et al. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Random walks and random fixed-point free involutions , 2001, math/0107128.
[40] I. Johnstone. On the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in principal components analysis , 2001 .
[41] P. Forrester,et al. Application of the τ-Function Theory¶of Painlevé Equations to Random Matrices:¶PIV, PII and the GUE , 2001, math-ph/0103025.
[42] C. Tracy,et al. On the distributions of the lengths of the longest monotone subsequences in random words , 1999, math/9904042.
[43] P. Forrester,et al. Gap, probabilities for edge intervals in finite Gaussian and Jacobi unitary matrix ensembles , 2000, math-ph/0008032.
[44] P. Forrester,et al. Exact Wigner Surmise Type Evaluation of the Spacing Distribution in the Bulk of the Scaled Random Matrix Ensembles , 2000, math-ph/0009023.
[45] Y. Ohta,et al. Discrete integrable systems from continuous Painlevé equations through limiting procedures , 2000 .
[46] P. Forrester. Painlevé transcendent evaluation of the scaled distribution of the smallest eigenvalue in the Laguerre orthogonal and symplectic ensembles , 2000, nlin/0005064.
[47] C. Cosgrove. Chazy Classes IX–XI Of Third‐Order Differential Equations , 2000 .
[48] K. M. Tamizhmani,et al. On a transcendental equation related to Painlevé III, and its discrete forms , 2000 .
[49] I. Johnstone. On the distribution of the largest principal component , 2000 .
[50] Mark Adler,et al. Integrals over classical groups, random permutations, toda and Toeplitz lattices , 1999, math/9912143.
[51] Y. Ohta,et al. Determinant Formulas for the Toda and Discrete Toda Equations , 1999, solv-int/9908007.
[52] J. Baik,et al. The asymptotics of monotone subsequences of involutions , 1999, math/9905084.
[53] L. Haine,et al. The Jacobi polynomial ensemble and the Painlevé VI equation , 1999 .
[54] K. Johansson. Shape Fluctuations and Random Matrices , 1999, math/9903134.
[55] C. Tracy,et al. Random Unitary Matrices, Permutations and Painlevé , 1998, math/9811154.
[56] M. Noumi,et al. Symmetries in the fourth Painlevé equation and Okamoto polynomials , 1997, Nagoya Mathematical Journal.
[57] M. Noumi,et al. Higher order Painlevé equations of type $A^{(1)}_l$ , 1998, math/9808003.
[58] P. Forrester,et al. Random matrix ensembles with an effective extensive external charge , 1998, cond-mat/9803355.
[59] Eric M. Rains,et al. Increasing Subsequences and the Classical Groups , 1998, Electron. J. Comb..
[60] Humihiko Watanabe. Defining variety and birational canonical transformations of the fifth Painleve equation , 1998 .
[61] J. Satsuma,et al. A study of the alternate discrete Painlevé II equation , 1996 .
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[63] P. Moerbeke,et al. Random Matrices, Vertex Operators and the Virasoro-algebra , 1995 .
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[65] Peter J. Forrester,et al. Complex Wishart matrices and conductance in mesoscopic systems: Exact results , 1994 .
[66] V. E. Adler,et al. Nonlinear chains and Painleve´ equations , 1994 .
[67] P. Forrester. Exact results and universal asymptotics in the Laguerre random matrix ensemble , 1994 .
[68] C. Tracy,et al. Fredholm determinants, differential equations and matrix models , 1993, hep-th/9306042.
[69] C. Tracy,et al. Level spacing distributions and the Bessel kernel , 1993, hep-th/9304063.
[70] P. Forrester. The spectrum edge of random matrix ensembles , 1993 .
[71] C. M. Cosgrove,et al. Painlevé Classification of a Class of Differential Equations of the Second Order and Second Degree , 1993 .
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[75] M. Jimbo,et al. Monodromy perserving deformation of linear ordinary differential equations with rational coefficients. II , 1981 .
[76] M. Jimbo,et al. Density matrix of an impenetrable Bose gas and the fifth Painlevé transcendent , 1980 .
[77] Edmund Taylor Whittaker,et al. A Course of Modern Analysis , 2021 .