Design analysis of core assemblies for supercritical pressure conditions

The increase of steam parameters to supercritical conditions could reduce the power generating costs of light water reactors significantly [Proceedings of SCR-2000 (2000) 1]. Core assemblies, however, will differ from current BWR or PWR design. In this context, this paper summarizes the main results related to a thermal-hydraulic design analysis of applicable fuel assemblies. Starting from a thorough literature survey on heat transfer of supercritical fluids, the current status indicates a large deficiency in the prediction of the heat transfer coefficient under reactor prototypical conditions. For the thermal-hydraulic design of such fuel assemblies the sub-channel analysis code Sub-channel Thermal-hydraulic Analysis in Fuel Assemblies under Supercritical conditions (STAFAS) has been developed, which will have a higher numerical efficiency compared to the conventional sub-channel analysis codes. The effect of several design parameters on the thermal-hydraulic behaviour in sub-channels has been investigated. Based on the results achieved so far, two fuel assembly configurations are recommended for further design analysis, i.e. a tight square lattice and a semi-tight hexagonal lattice.