UNITN: Training Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Twitter Sentiment Classification

This paper describes our deep learning system for sentiment analysis of tweets. The main contribution of this work is a process to initialize the parameter weights of the convolutional neural network, which is crucial to train an accurate model while avoiding the need to inject any additional features. Briefly, we use an unsupervised neural language model to initialize word embeddings that are further tuned by our deep learning model on a distant supervised corpus. At a final stage, the pre-trained parameters of the network are used to initialize the model which is then trained on the supervised training data from Semeval-2015. According to results on the official test sets, our model ranks 1st in the phrase-level subtask A (among 11 teams) and 2nd on the messagelevel subtask B (among 40 teams). Interestingly, computing an average rank over all six test sets (official and five progress test sets) puts our system 1st in both subtasks A and B.