Recognizing cardiac magnetic resonance acquisition acquisition planes usingfinetuned convolutional neural networks
In this paper we propose a convolutional neural network-based method to automatically wrangle missing
or noisy cardiac acquisition plane information from magnetic resonance (MR) images. This is an important
building block to organise and filter large collections of cardiac data prior to analysis. In addition it
allows us to merge studies from multiple centers, to perform smarter image filtering, to select the most
appropriate image processing algorithm, and to enhance visualisation of cardiac datasets in content based
image retrieval.
We propose to use a finetuned convolutional neural network initially trained on a large natural image
recognition dataset (Imagenet ILSVRC2012) to learn feature representations for better recognize cardiac
views prediction and contrast this to a previously introduced method using classification forests and
features learned from an augmented set of image miniatures.
We validated this algorithm on two different cardiac studies with 200 patients and 15 healthy volunteers
respectively. Our new approach significantly improves the state of the art of image-based cardiac view
recognition (97.66% F1 score). Despite the large number of the network’s parameters, the algorithm does
not overfit and performs quite well on another independent cardiac study.